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Me and my Fwends

Me and my Fwends
Hello(nsa gitna aku)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Summer Boredom

It's so boring this summer you have to stay in the house and do the same routine over and over again..........
And it is so hot in the house its like a sauna in here.......
But there are also simple solutions for this problem.......
For some of us who are rich they migrate to cool countries....America is one of the top countries we are going to.....(for my opinion)and they can enjoy there for there are many places to go in America.....so problem solved for the rich people.......
For the moderate people we could go to the swimming pools and resorts so that they could cool ourselves for the summer.......But if we have a higher budget we could go to hotels to cool ourselves but expensive if compared to the resorts and swimming pools........
But if you want to improve your skills you could attend a summer clinic so that you could improve you skill in that sport or something and kill time at the same time.
These is my post for today hope you people liked it......
Over and Out....

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