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Me and my Fwends

Me and my Fwends
Hello(nsa gitna aku)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

School Days

Sorry if I added a new post so much late........
Hear's what I got to say
It's school days again it's the awaited days of some students but some which are too bored or sleepy to go to school then its not.
I am high school now but I still miss my grade school days T_T but it's still time to m0ve on with my lyf.
My section is I-BPC(Blessed Pedro of Calunsod) its the section with most of the smart guys are in it.(Star Section)\
Its hard to beat these guys and get on the honor list.....But I'll still do my best to reach my goal in lyf. So that's it and best wishes to all of you